Quincy Brownfield
Lafayette Elementary School Principal
(707) 441-2482 | [email protected]
Lafayette Elementary School is part of the Eureka City Schools system, located on the beautiful Humboldt coast. We are a TK-5th grade school that provides a supportive atmosphere, dedicated to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of our families and community.
The Lafayette staff is dedicated to holding all students to the highest standards of excellence and achievement. We maintain a vital tradition of bringing all stakeholders -- students, parents, staff, and our community -- together to nurture the global leaders of our future. Students are active participants in their learning, which not only requires them to apply acquired basic skills, but to also use reasoning, logic, and critical thinking. This year we are excited to continue the implementation process of Common Core standards in all grade levels. Our teachers have been extensively involved in the preparation and implementation of these new standards both at the District and county levels. I encourage you to talk with your child about their classroom learning. Also, visit corestandards.org or talk with your child's teacher for more information.
It is our goal at Lafayette Elementary to provide quality educational experiences for students, while supporting their social and emotional growth. We believe that each individual child has limitless potential to succeed academically and socially. At Lafayette, we take pride in our commitment to cooperative problem solving and personal accountability. We continue to wholeheartedly embrace PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) and are also implementing Second Step as a tool for teaching empathetic problem solving. Both PBIS and Second Step provide District-adopted curriculum and training to our staff. All students are explicitly taught the expectations for each part of the campus, and all staff encourage and model our school motto:
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
Our ASES program continues to provide exceptional homework support and enrichment activities for students after school. Students are afforded opportunities to be a part of community service learning activities and experience a variety of sports and healthy lifestyles activities.
I invite you to visit our campus. Please call or email me to set up an appointment.